Free Home Repair In Duchess County for Low Income Homeowners
The last thing any homeowner wants to deal with is a problem with their roofing. The type of roofing materials and cost that are available can mean a new roof or repairs can range anywhere from a few hundred dollars to the tens of thousands of dollars range.
Unfortunately, many homeowners find themselves really in a bad situation when they have to consider the types of roofing materials and cost that it will take to make their roof functional again. Luckily there is an organization that is stepping up to help homeowners reign in the cost of a new roof.
When You Cannot Afford The Upkeep Of Your Home
For many Americans a new roof is just part of home maintenance, unfortunately, for just as many Americans the type of roofing materials and cost that are available is way beyond what they can ever afford. A lot of hardworking people simply cannot squeeze enough out of their budget to make basic repairs never mind afford the type of roof materials and cost that is involved with a roof replacement.
Between mortgage payments, food, the cost of medication, heating costs, and transportation for many citizens in Dutchess County there is literally nothing left out of their income for roof repairs, heating system repair, or any other major system repair.
No one should live in a house that is unsafe. We even have rules and regulations in place against living in homes that are unsafe. A faulty roof is an unsafe condition. Yet for the low-income homeowner, the type of roofing materials and cost that they need to pay is just out of reach. They live in unsafe conditions because they lack enough income.
Roofs Are Always Under Siege

A roof is one of the most critical systems of any structure. Roofing not only provides defense against the elements it protects every other system in the structure. For many low-income families when the roof starts to fail it is tragic.
A failing roof leads to other failures. A failing roof can cause damage to the entire structure of the home. A failing roof can be the catalyst for the development of harmful mold that makes a property unsafe to be occupied. It can destroy personal goods that low-income families cannot afford to replace.
Of course new roof installation for many of these families no matter the types of roofing materials and cost is simply out of reach. If you are doing all you can to keep your families head above water and food on the table the prospect of considering types of roofing materials and cost is simply not on the menu.
For many families living with missing roof shingles that cause the roof to leak is simply an accepted part of their life. Of course, faulty roofing is not just about the damage that it is causing. A faulty roof drives up the cost of heating which if you are low income you are already struggling to pay.
A roof in disrepair becomes a snowball situation that many families are never able to get out from under. Rebuilding Together Dutchess County is an organization that is trying to change that snowball effect by providing roofing services to low-income Dutchess County families, the elderly, the disabled, and veterans.
One Repair At a Time
Rebuilding Together helps low-income families to have safe housing in Dutchess County. The program focuses on keeping the homes in Dutchess County in good condition not just for the individuals but for the good of the greater community.
The program offers handyman services to manage small repairs with the hopes that by making these small repairs the bigger damages can be staved off. For example, a case of hail damage on roof that is addressed early on can help to reduce the cost of repairs.
They evaluate the types of roofing materials and cost before they start the work to ensure that they are getting the best value for their donors. For example, re-roofing services may be provided instead of removing the old roofing materials and installing a new roof.
The Rebuilding Day Program addresses large structural repairs like roof replacement services that are necessary for a safe living environment. This organization does not limit its services to low-income homeowners. They have a Community Strong program that helps non-profit organizations get the building repairs and modifications that they need as well.
This organization ensures that low income or at-risk homeowners never have to worry about types of roofing materials and cost because all the services are done for free. There is no cost to the homeowner or to the non-profit organization.
Maintenance Is On the Menu
If you are a low-income homeowner, a disabled homeowner, or a veteran and you need some help with your roof. Rebuilding Together will send roofers out to your property to evaluate your roof.
As a matter of fact homeowners would be wise to apply for roof maintenance instead of waiting until the roof completely fails. It is a cost-saving to the organization to manage your roof maintenance. Experts suggest that roofing is checked twice a year, once in the spring, and once in the fall.
When the Rebuilding Together team comes out they can make any necessary repairs like replacing missing roof shingles, clearing away debris, removing trees that overhang the house, and more. They are happy to help take care of your roof and other important systems in your home because they understand that a little TLC can go a long way in making sure your home stays a safe place to live.
Who is Rebuilding Together
Since 1991 Rebuilding Together Dutchess County has been helping homeowners keep their home in safe condition through partnerships with a wide range of businesses and tradespeople. These people came together because they knew that the types of roofing materials and cost were not something that low-income homeowners could even consider should their roof go bad. They understood that for some homeowners accessibility was a tremendous challenge and that an outdated heating system was a threat to their safety.
This organization partners with tradespeople, building supply companies, and service providers with one goal in mind, neighbors can help neighbors to build a better community. Each year the number of partners grew. A roofing company wanted to get involved, an electrician service joined up, a plumbing concern, a window company, all joined the ranks of neighbors helping neighbors through Rebuilding Together Duchess County.
Through these valuable partnerships over the last 20 years Rebuilding Together Dutchess County has amassed a force of over 500 volunteers and on average is able to assist 20 properties every year. They have had a tremendous impact on the community.
From roof installation services to weatherization to new windows to mobility ramps and modifications, Rebuilding Together has transformed people’s lives for the better. Having a safe place to live is a human right and Rebuilding Together Dutchess County is helping to ensure every neighbor in this upstate New York county is enjoying that right.
How Can You Get Help From Rebuilding Together Dutchess County?
If you are dealing with worrying about types of roofing materials and cost and how you are going to cover it, you can apply to Rebuilding Together Dutchess County for help with your roof. Getting your application in early is important.
Different programs within the Rebuilding Together Duchess County have different application processes and deadlines that you have to follow. You want to ensure that you are following all the instructions for applying.
For example, the Handyman Program has a rolling year-round application period. That means you can apply any time of year for help with minor repairs and maintenance needs. Of course, this is a competitive program which means you may or may not make the cut with the available funding for this year, however, applications are kept on file in case additional funding is made available.
The program that addresses the types of roofing materials and cost will not be accepting applications again until the Spring of 2021. It is suggested that you check back on the website frequently to learn when the application process will reopen.
Application Basics
This program is focused on helping low-income homeowners. Meeting the income thresholds is a big part of determining eligibility. For example, if your household size is one person your income cannot exceed $54,950, a household of four the income threshold is $78,500. You may need to provide proof of income. A Social Security Award Letter, paystubs, Veterans Disability statement, and other forms of proof are considered acceptable to establish verification of income.
You will need to list all members of your household, their ages, and their income source. You will also need to list the needed repairs. Applicants also have to agree to have photographs taken and appearing in local media stories if requested.
Application Tips
If you are seeking help from Rebuilding Together there are a few things you can do to improve the odds in your favor:
- Gather your paperwork before you start the application. Make sure you have everything that you need in front of you to fill out the application.
- Make sure you read and then reread all the instructions. Reading through the instructions before you start the application will help to ensure that you do not miss anything critical on the application.
- Have an extra set of eyes review your application. Ask a friend or family member to take a look at the application to ensure you did not overlook anything.
Write clearly and concisely when you fill out the application. Do not leave anything blank. You want to provide as much information as you can to help your application move through the process. Be aware of any deadlines or dates that are associated with the application process.
If you have any questions about the process reach out to Rebuilding Together Dutchess County. It is better to ask your questions about the process than it is to have to reapply because a mistake was made.
Above all else be honest with your application. This is a great organization that really wants to help but you have to lay out all your problems and provide reasons why you cannot afford to manage the repairs on your own. Saying that types of roofing materials and cost are too expensive for you without providing income information is not how you will get your application through.
Finally, remember that a lot of your neighbors are struggling right now dealing with worrying about types of roofing materials and cost, heating issues, and other issues, be patient. You are not alone, there is help on the way.
How Can You Help Rebuilding Together/
There are plenty of ways you can contribute to this amazing program. If you are in the building trade or building service industry consider volunteering your skillset to help your neighbors. If you are in the supply industry, consider donating supplies and equipment.
Of course, if you are not able to volunteer time or donate materials you can always write a check which can be a tax-deductible gift. Getting involved with this great program means that your efforts stay right in your own community, which is something that does not necessarily happen with other causes. You can make a difference for your neighbors and the greater community by improving the structures right in your own backyard.
No homeowner should have to make tough choices between deciding what types of roofing materials and cost they need for a safe place to live and feeding their family. Keeping these homes in good condition is good for families and good for the community.
Easing the burden of homeownership by helping low-income owners keep their property in good shape helps to keep everyone’s property value up. It helps to revitalize neighborhoods and keep Duchess County a thriving community.
If you want to get involved with an organization that is making a big difference in a lot of lives, consider Rebuilding Together. Neighbors helping neighbors is a great way to make sure that Dutchess County continues to thrive.