Selling Your Home Soon? Landscaping Can Yield A Higher Return On Your Investment

Interested in landscaping? You’re probably wondering where to start. Should you install some new trees to give your home a little extra shade during the summer? How about touching up your lawns and creating that brilliantly green expanse you’ve dreamed of since first buying a house? Whatever your goals are, you’ll want to make sure you hire people who can give you the flexibility and reliability you deserve. Landscape design is more modern than it’s ever been, offering photographic models, eco-friendly designs and even basics like lawn care to turn your everyday home into a dream house.
Why Do Homeowners Try Out Landscape Design?
Landscaping is a fun and flexible way to boost the value of your home and create a more comfortable living space. A new survey conducted by the Harris Poll for the National Association Of Landscape Professionals, with over 2,000 American adults involved, found that three-quarters of Americans feel it’s very important to spend time outside in their yards. Another 83% of Americans believe having a yard at all is necessary and 90% emphasize it should be well-maintained on a constant basis.
What Do Americans Like To Do In Their Yards?
It can be frustrating to be cooped up inside all day. However, sometimes people don’t want to go out on the town and still want to stay in their neighborhood. A nicely maintained and spacious yard is a fantastic in-between, offering a lovely outdoor environment from the comfort of your own home. Over half of the homeowners who are choosing to upgrade their outdoor spaces spend six or more hours in their yard per week, with relaxing, gardening and entertaining the most popular uses of the space.
How Much Do People Spend On Landscaping?
While landscaping can seem a little expensive at first, the money you’ll save in the long run far outweighs the negatives. Just over half of homeowners will budget $10,000 or more on their current or upcoming outdoor projects where professionals are involved — this can be touching up their lawns, adding a new sidewalk overlay or installing a brand new garden. Of those that choose to add plants to their yards, at least 90% prefer plants that are native to the region. This way they don’t inadvertently hurt the environment! Overall, landscaping has a plethora of benefits. You can even boost your ROI.
How Can I Improve My Home’s ROI?
Some homeowners plan on selling their house in the next few years. Want to know a great way to get a higher return on your investment? Even a minor landscaping project can see your house transformed for the better, attracting more eyes when put out onto the market and yielding a higher return than if you had left it alone. Landscaping significantly decreases the amount of time your house is on the real estate market — by as much as six weeks — and can increase your home’s resale value by up to 14%.
What Landscaping Projects Should I Try?
Now that you know you can boost your home’s ROI as well as give your home a visual makeover, where do you feel like getting started? Adding to your lawns is a smart first choice, giving your house a strong first impression and a much higher chance of being picked when put up for sale. Adding some shrubbery or a pair of new trees can lower your energy bill on top of providing you more natural shade for the hot season, while adding a garden can give you a new hobby to enjoy over the weekend. Whatever you choose, landscaping will have more than enough benefits to keep you satisfied.