5 Ways to Know You Hired a Good Contractor

November 15, 2016 by No Comments


Replacing the tile in your home is no small feat. Well, replacing any kind of flooring is going to be a big job. It could be hardwood flooring or laminate flooring, it doesn’t really matter; the fat oft he matter is that ripping out your floors, means that you won’t have somewhere to walk on while it’s being done. If this is going to be the case, you need to know that you have hired a good contractor. If you are looking for someone that does home remodeling in order to replace your flooring, here are some things that you should look for:

They come to your house to give you the quote
In order to give you a written quote, the installer needs to come to your home and look at what you have. Any company that is willing to give you the quote over the phone without measuring and seeing the area for themselves is not reliable. There should be no talk of quotes or prices until an installer as visited your home in person and can determine what exactly is going to be involved in the installation as well as the material itself. A written quote is a legally binding document so they should not take it lightly.

They have looked into the moisture content of your home
Depending on the type of material that you are going to be getting, the moisture content of your home can play a big part in how long those floors last. Too much moisture in the air could wreak havoc on hardwood floors, for example. In order to stop this from happening, then the wooden flooring needs to acclimatized to your home before nailing it down. A good contractor will know what floors need to work in your home. If you can find better information on the Internet than what your contractor is given you, you can take this as a warning sign.

They prepare the sub floor
The sub floor is the part of the floor that is underneath your wood, carpet, tile or whatever you decide to lay. For most jobs, that sub floor needs to be flat and clean and dry. If you are installing tile and your contractor doesn’t bother to level out the base floor, then you can guarantee that it’s going to be a pretty shoddy job. If you have dips and bumps in the floor of your home, then know that this is going to be a bigger job than you might have anticipated. This also means that it’s going to be a little more expensive in order to level out those floors.

They determine the layout
When installing a floor, there are certain things that have to be decided on. You have to know which way the wood planks are going to go and what patterned will be used, or you need to decide on how the tile is going to be laid out. If you have a multi piece floor being installed, a red flag would be that the contractor comes in and starts nailing and gluing within ten minutes. There should be plenty of time taken in the beginning to determine the proper layout.

Having the right materials
Before the big day arrives when the job is going to start, you and your installer should have sat down and determined exactly what type of floor they are going to be installing. This way, when they get there on the chosen day, they can have all the correct tools, equipment and materials. They should have pre measured everything and not have to leave in order to go get anything else. Remember, this job needs to be done quickly so you can walk around your house again. Leaving during the project just wastes time.

Floors are on the most important parts of your home. If they aren’t done right, then you’ll be frustrated and annoyed with your house. Your home is supposed to be the sanctuary and safe place for you and your family, you should be happy and comfortable there at all times. Any slight feeling of frustration about the way it looks is wrong and a sign that you chose the wrong company to install your floors.

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