Getting Water into Your Home, and Keeping it Out

Water plays a crucial role in all of our lives. After all, more than half of the human body is made up of water. The planet Earth is nearly 75% water. Though it sounds dramatic, it’s simply a fact that water is the basis of life as we know it. Additionally, we use water all the time, especially the average American resident who uses about 100 gallons of water daily. Consider all the daily uses for water–showers, cleaning dishes, making food, washing hands, drinking–the list goes on. Therefore, having proper water systems in our homes is one of the most important aspects of home ownership. These systems both get water into the home and keep water out.
How do Homes get Water?
It’s easy to take for granted where our water comes from. After all, many of us are born into homes where all it takes is a flick of a lever, turn of a knob, or push of a button to get water flowing out of a nozzle, seemingly endlessly. But that water doesn’t just magically appear, and it isn’t actually an endless supply. This water has to come from a source, which can be one of many different sources.
In largely populated areas like cities and big suburbs, the main supply of water usually comes from a public water supply. Take a drive into one of these towns and you’re bound to come across one or several giant water tanks looming over the populace. These water tanks are funded via taxation. Water from a reservoir, well, or large body of water such as a river is pumped into the tower and stored. This water is then filtered and channeled via pipelines to private residences, businesses, and public areas.
Private Residential Water Tanks
While most places in the U.S. have public water systems, not all do. In these areas and even those with public water systems, some people purchase and take care of their own water tanks as either a back up or primary water supply. These residential water tanks are of course much smaller than public ones, but they function in basically the same way, and they come in various types.
One type of personal water tank is a rainwater collection tank. As the name suggests, these tanks collect water via rainfall. While it rains, water travels from the home’s gutters into the tank. From there, the water is often filtered and then stored for later use. These tanks are especially useful in areas that experience frequent rainfall, and can be quite cost effective and environmentally friendly due to their cyclical nature.
Water can also be taken from a personal well. If your home doesn’t already have a working well on the property, you’ll have to seek well digging or well drilling services to get you started. But once the well is in place and functioning, water can be taken from the ground then stored and filtered in a residential water tank.
How do Homes Keep Water Out?
Water may be the essence of life, but it can also be incredibly damaging if not controlled. This is why it’s just as important to keep water out of your home as it is to get water in your home. Basements, since they’re literally underground, are especially susceptible to water buildup and damage. Getting basement sump pump installation is the best way to keep excess water from entering your home.
In essence a sump pump is the exact opposite of a water supply system. Instead of funneling water into your home, a sump pump collects excess water in a basin then fights gravity to pump it out of the home. This water can simply be removed and sent into one’s yard away from the home, or it can be stored inside a water tank for later use. This latter method is another good way to recycle water.
We all need water to survive and live comfortable lives. We also need to keep too much water out. By having personal water supply, filtration, and removal systems professionally installed, you can ensure that your home will always get the amount of water it needs to keep you and your family happy, healthy, and safe.