Call a Licensed Plumber to Inspect Your Home for Potential Issues

When you need toilet repair or other plumbing services, it’s important to contact a licensed plumber. If you have a leaky faucet, need a new water heater, or are in need of emergency plumbing services due to a burst pipe, these plumbing problems can be taken care of by a local licensed plumber.
Rather than having your old toilet repaired, have you considered purchasing a new one? It’s been found that approximately 30% of household water usage is due to flushing toilets. You might want to consider having a low-flow toilet installed to conserve water.
Kitchen, bathroom, and other types of household faucets are responsible for approximately 15% of the water you use. Were you aware that over 10,000 gallons of water can be wasted in a year due to household leaks? This is enough water to wash about 270 loads of laundry.
In addition to saving water for laundry and other purposes, having those leaks fixed can also save you money on your water bill. On average, homeowners can save around 10% on these bills once those leaks are fixed.
When was the last time you replaced your water heater? In general, these last for 10-to-13 years. A tankless water heater, however, may last up to 20 years.
You may be interested in having a 40-to-60 gallon big-tank water heater installed. These water heaters can provide enough hot water for bathing, laundry, dish washing, and other needs for a considerable amount of time.
In approximately 60% of existing single-family homes, cross-linked polyethylene, or PEX, is used in pipes and for other plumbing fixtures. While leaking pipes can be annoying and waste water, it can be even worse when they burst.
On a daily basis, just a one-eighth-inch crack can gush out over 250 gallons of water. Needless to say, this can cause considerable damage to your home.
If you aren’t aware of any plumbing issues in your home, you may still want to contact a licensed plumber for an inspection. In addition to providing you with information on conserving water, they can also assess your current plumbing situation and point out any potential plumbing problems. Furthermore, if you’re thinking about remodeling or totally renovating your kitchen or bathroom, they can also assist you with this.