Are You Feeling Feverish, or is Your Furnace Just Out of Control?

Your home is your castle, or so the saying goes. So doesn’t it make sense that your home should be as comfortable as possible? One of the most common sources of comfort in a home is a functioning furnace and air conditioning system. Over 50% of homes in the U.S. are heated with gas furnaces and cooled with air conditioning systems. With innovations like these, it’s hard to be uncomfortable! But what happens when you start experiencing problems?
You may be asking how a furnace or air conditioning system could experience problems, but there are numerous ways for your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) to malfunction. The most common cause of HVAC issues is age. The older an appliance gets, the more prone to issues it will be. However, with proper maintenance and care, your HVAC unit can last anywhere from 12 to 15 years or more.
Heating and cooling contractors can install your furnace and air conditioning units, but they can also repair and replace them. Like any mechanical item in your home, heating and cooling systems need to be regularly inspected and maintained to continue working efficiently and effectively. There are an estimated 85,000 or more HVAC businesses in the U.S. alone, and odds are one of them is close enough to come perform regular inspections in your home.
If you notice a problem with the temperature in your house, it’s important to call for air conditioning repair or furnace repair immediately. Even if the issue is simple and easily fixed, you should always call your local furnace repair shop as soon as a problem arises. Heating and cooling contractors make their living installing and repairing HVAC units, so don’t risk your safety by trying to perform intensive repairs by yourself.
Avoiding issues is easy with regular inspection and maintenance, but there are other things you can do to ensure the functionality and longevity of your HVAC units. Using fans, opening windows, and keeping air circulating through your home can ease the strain on your HVAC unit, as well as save you money by using your AC less often. In the winter, keeping curtains and windows shut can help keep heat inside your home and decrease furnace usage. Keep your HVAC unit running smoothly and keep some money in your pocket by performing regular maintenance and everyday tasks to save energy.